Hiland After-School Program Registration

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Registration closes October 1.

A parent or legal guardian with a credit or debit card is necessary to complete this registration.

If you need to pay by cash or check or to be added to a waitlist, please contact:

Vaughn Irving in Albuquerque 505-340-0200 or virving@ndi-nm.org.

Please carefully enter or update all information.

Prefill Information (Hidden)

Dancer Information

Enter as mm/dd/yyyy. DOUBLE CHECK THIS ENTRY

Enter as mm/dd/yyyy. DOUBLE CHECK THIS ENTRY

limit 255 characters

Young Children's Division

      • Creative Movement is ages 3-4
      • Pre-Dance is ages 5-6
      • Mini-Movers is ages 5-8

    Children in the Young Children Division level are placed primarily by age rather than dance experience or ability and must meet the age requirement by October 31.

    Junior/Senior Division
      • Level I is ages 7-11
      • Level II is ages 9-13
      • Level III/IV/V is ages 13 and up and by permission only

    Level IV/V is by invitation/audition only and registration will be completed during Company registration.  

    The first weeks of classes will be used to determine correct level placement. Please contact the office with any questions.

    Please visit our website for Class Descriptions


Click the magnifying glass to view the list of available classes

Parent/Legal Guardian Information

Additional Parent/Guardian Information

In case of emergency both parent(s)/guardian(s) will be contacted first. Please enter an additional emergency contact.

Media Release
I authorize the making and use of any films, photographs or other recordings of these activities for any purposes, profit or otherwise, that NDI New Mexico may make or authorize to be made without compensation to my child or me. 

I represent to NDI New Mexico that I am the parent or legally appointed guardian of the named child and authorized to sign and deliver this release. 

Parental Consent for Participation
I understand that my child will be an active member of a highly energetic and physical dance class taught by an NDI New Mexico instructor. 

I understand that my child is expected to behave responsibly and abide by NDI New Mexico’s policies and procedures, or risk dismissal from the program. 

NDI New Mexico teachers use visual cues and hands-on adjustments during class. I understand that physical contact during class is appropriate and limited.

I represent to NDI New Mexico that I am the parent or legally appointed guardian of the named child, and authorized to sign and deliver this release, and give permission for my child to participate in the NDI New Mexico Dance program. 

I am aware that NDI New Mexico does not guarantee proper supervision more than 15 minutes before or after the scheduled class times. 

Excessive absences may jeopardize a students’ eligibility to participate in end of year performances. 

I understand that NDI New Mexico’s attendance policy requires students under age 18 to be signed in and out by a parent/guardian. Students who transport themselves must have a sign out waiver form on file, available here.

I understand and agree to abide by NDI New Mexico’s tuition payment and refund policies. 

2024-25 Program Year Registration and Refund Policy:

  • $30.00 Non-Refundable Registration Fee
  • Students wishing to withdraw prior to the end of the school year must do so before October 1, 2024. Refunds will not be given after October 1, 2024.
  • Tuition for class dates prior to withdrawal date will be kept, attended or not. Please visit this page for individual class prices.

Medical Release
I understand that NDI New Mexico cannot guarantee against the possibility of accident or illness involving my child. I hereby waive and release, on behalf of myself and my child, any claim and liabilities that might be made against NDI New Mexico, its directors, officers, employees and agents in connection with any NDI New Mexico programs. 

In the event that any serious injury or illness should occur involving my child, I wish NDI New Mexico or a representative of the school to take all appropriate steps to notify me immediately of the event. If I am inaccessible for any reason, I authorize whatever medical attention is deemed appropriate for my child. 

I represent that my child has no medical condition other than already noted that would prohibit participation. 

I represent to NDI New Mexico that I am the parent or legally appointed guardian of the named child and authorized to sign and deliver this release. 

With full knowledge of the risks involved, I hereby release, waive, discharge NDI New Mexico, its board, officers, independent contractors, affiliates, employees, representatives, successors, and assigns from any and all liabilities, claims, demands, actions, and causes of action whatsoever, directly or indirectly arising out of or related to any loss, damage, illness, injury, or death that may be sustained by my family or my child related to COVID-19 while participating in any activity NDI New Mexico program activities or in any NDI facility.

Where did you hear about us?

Calling Parents & Guardians -- We need your help to make our performances a success!

Volunteers play a vital role in NDI New Mexico programs. They also enhance our fundraising efforts which support our sliding scale scholarships, as funders see volunteer engagement as a demonstration of strong community support! Each volunteer hour you give represents a commitment to the future of our programs and the well-being of our community as a whole. Your involvement is essential to our success and deeply appreciated!

Our volunteer shifts last only a couple of hours and we will work with you to make sure that are still able to see your child’s performance.

Pay the Tuition

NDI New Mexico is committed to making classes available to all students regardless of ability to pay. Our typical tuition program uses a sliding scale based on household income.  If you need assistance please contact us.  
If you select a sliding scale option during registration, please visit our Program Producer in the office within the first month of the program between 12:00pm and 6:00pm, Monday through Thursday, or email your proof of income to virving@ndi-nm.org, to verify your household’s tuition level.

You will be asked to provide household proof of income in the form of either the last two paystubs or your most recent year’s tax returns
Failure to show household proof of income will result in a tuition adjustment into the highest bracket of our sliding scale.

For more information about NDI New Mexico’s sliding scale tuition and to learn about our commitment to making dance affordable to everyone please click here.

We offer a 10% discount for multiple students enrolled in the same semester.

Remember to answer this question again to receive the discount for the other child(ren) you register this semester.

Note that if we find a discount but no sibling registered, we will charge the remainder by the start of class.

Total minus multi-student discount

Codes are lower case

Total Tuition w/o registration fee





Please note Auto Charge is preferred to cut down on administrative costs.
Payment Information

You will be redirected to register your next child upon Submit or you can also use the link sent via email to current students. 
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